Blood Drive details:
Homecoming shirts are in! They will be sent home with your elementary or high school students.
Keota, Harper, Ollie and Washington addresses were delivered to Keota Schools.
If you’re unsure on where to pick yours up, please email Val @
Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming Queen, Madison Richards, and King, Zach Smithart!
School pictures are next Wednesday, September 22nd! Here in the link to order photos online:
If ordering online, you do not need to turn in an order form on picture day. Please place a separate order for each child. This pre-sale will be active until 10am the day after the picture date.
Boom Night Details:
PTO Presents:
Ice cream & Bingo with grandparents! September 21st from 5:30-6:30 PM at the elementary.
2021 Lil Cobra Cheer:
Please email Val with any questions:
Forms need returned to Elementary.
WHO: PK-6th grade Sigourney girls and boys
PRACTICE: 9/29/21 & 9/30/21, practice will be after school (3:30) until 4:30 PM in elementary gym, please be prompt for pickup
at East doors of elementary school (cafeteria door, #5E )
PERFORMANCE: 10/01/21 at the SK Cobra Football game. Game starts at 7:00 PM, students will cheer at half-time. Please have
cheerleaders meet by the north entrance of the track 5 minutes before half-time.
COST: $20 per cheerleader - cash or checks only. Add-on available for an additional fee. Checks made payable to: ‘Cobra Cheer’
**Includes t-shirt, camp fee, and entry into football game (does not include entry fee for family or friends). Forms are due 9/15 for t-shirts. Forms turned in after the due date may not receive a t-shirt. No refunds will be issued if the game is canceled.
Forms have been sent home with students but may also be found here:
Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming Court!
Madi Richards, Madelynn Hornback, Reagan Talbert, Sophie Whitmore
Cade Molyneux, Bo Schmidt, Aidan Schuster, Zach Smithart
Join Sigourney Pride Activities Boosters and help support the Sigourney Savages!
To accelerate my learning, I would be grateful for your honest input. All responses are anonymous. A summary of the responses will be provided to Board, staff and community. Your input will help us gain a deeper understanding of the perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats related to the school district. My goal is to complete this survey by the end of September, 2021.
Thanking you in advance,
Kevin Hatfield, Superintendent
Please follow this link to complete the survey:
THREE FOR ME is the parent volunteer program sponsored by the Sigourney Elementary PTO. THREE FOR ME is a chance for you to volunteer THREE Hours for the year or THREE Hours for the day, your help is greatly appreciated and does NOT go unnoticed. Please take some time to look over the THREE FOR ME volunteer opportunities on the list:
Class of 1981: 40th Reunion
This is a reminder that Sigourney CSD has a 1:30 PM dismissal tomorrow, September 3rd. Also, no school Monday, September 6th or Tuesday, September 7th due to the holiday weekend.
Homecoming gear can be bought here!
Homecoming 2021: September 13-18th
Please contact Shannon Greiner if interested in participating in the Homecoming Parade!
The 2021 SK Cobra Football T-shirts are now available for pick up in the high school office!
The Students of the Sigourney Schools Art Department have created a 30 page coloring book that is available for purchase!
They are $10.00 each, cash or check will be accepted. Please make checks out to ‘Sigourney Schools Art Department’!
Want to purchase one? Send money with your Sigourney Student to the art room, or please contact Mrs. Shaw at:
We have 200 available, and all funds raised will go to the Art Department to purchase new materials for our art room!
Don't wait, these are amazing!
Due to ongoing excessive heat in our schools, the Sigourney CSD will have an Early Release (1:30 pm) on Friday, August 27, 2021. Thank you.
2021 Sigourney Junior Senior Yearbooks are in the High School Art Room ready to be picked up! We will be sending these home with your students this week.
Don't know if you ordered one? Contact:
We also have extras, they are $30.00. We accept cash or checks made to ‘Sigourney Schools’
Elementary Open House is tonight from 5:00-6:00 PM.
7th grade Orientation is tonight from 5:30-6:30 at the high school.
See you there!