Community-Driven School Facility Advisory Committee II
The sign-up link is located here and below:
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Community Stakeholders,
The SCSD is looking for stakeholders living in the SCSD’s boundaries to share their voice and provide input during the Sigourney Jr. Sr. High facility study and planning process. The community group will be referred to as, “Community Facility Advisory Committee” (CFAC II). We are hoping to find 30-40 (or more) highly committed members of our community (parents, business, civic, ag, - all interested citizens living in the SCSD) to participate on the Community Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC-II). Note: Interested students and staff members should also sign up using the link below. The vast majority of the CFAC II membership will be comprised of community stakeholders. The task force will serve in an advisory role only for the Board of Education.
CFAC II Meetings and Commitments
Attend CFAC II Meetings - The meetings will be held on Wednesday nights, 6:00 PM – 7:30/8:00 PM. (See the meeting dates and timeline information below)
Diverse Membership - The committee should consist of diverse community members. We would like all perspectives voiced during these meetings.
Board Participation – To maintain a transparent, open input process and to maintain a community focus, the CFAC II will have limited board involvement
Board members will observe without participating actively to maintain the community focus.
Members of the Board’s “Buildings and Grounds (Facilities) Committee” (three directors) plan to attend on a regular basis.
The entire Board will be informed of all meeting details throughout the process.
Even as no deliberation of the Board will take place, if there is a need to have more than three Board members attend a CFAC II meeting, an agenda will be posted.
Administrator Participation - To maintain the community focus, members of the administrative team and participating directors will sit separate from stakeholder tables and observe without participating actively. (See additional input information below)
Student Participation - Students who can consistently attend meetings and provide diverse perspectives should sign up using the link below.
Staff Participation – While all interested members of the staff should sign-up, a limit number of teachers and staff members will be approved as formal participants. Again, the goal is to maintain a community focus. (See additional input information below)
Additional Input Opportunities – The District is committed to providing staff and student input outside of the CFAC II as well. SitelogIQ Engagement Specialists will hold additional input sessions with staff, students, and the Board. Stakeholder surveying will also be part of the input process.
Additional Meeting Details, Dates, Times, Locations, and Sign-Up
CFAC II Meetings - Seven meetings are scheduled from February 5th to April 16th, with specific dates and objectives for each meeting.
The Feb. 5 and Feb. 19 meetings (first two) will focus on input and processing guidelines, assessment overviews, and finance and bonding capacity education.
Website and Social Media Support - SitelogIQ’s Engagement Specialist will work with Mr. Hatfield and Missy Sellers for the involvement of social media and the establishment of a website repository for access to meeting agendas, communications, and meeting notes.
Sign-Up - A Google form has been created for task force sign-up, with communication through social media, emails, and possibly local newspaper.
Sign-up begins January 9 and ends January 30. (3-Weeks)
The sign-up link:
Please complete and submit this form by Thursday, January 30, 2025.
If you have difficulty opening the form, please email Mr. Hatfield directly (
Notification of Committee Participation - Participants will be notified of their selection to the CFAC II no later than the end of the day, Monday, Feb. 3, 2025.
If you are not selected to be on the CFAC II, the District will provide additional input opportunities for interested stakeholders.
*The dates listed below are subject to change due to weather or identified district needs.
CFAC II Meeting Times and Locations
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - 6:00-8:00 PM - Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 6:00-8:00 PM - Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 6:00-8:00 PM - Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 6:00-8:00 PM - Elementary School Commons
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 6:00-8:30 PM - Central Lee Iowa, School Tour (Tentative)
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 6:00-8:30 PM - Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 6:00-8:30 PM - Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria
Report to Board of Education - May 14 - Time and Location TBD
Please contact the Central Office with questions at 641-622-2025.